A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A turn-based strategy game

PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING: This game may contain flashing imagery


Because currently there is no official server for this game (now there is one; see latest devlog for more info) if you want to play with somebody you'll have to port-forward port 59657 TCP. If you want to test the game with a "bot" which skips turns then you have to host a server and connect to localhost

(To launch server from command line using universal version you have to use --serv parameter.)

How to play this game:

In order to move camera around you have to move your mouse to the bottom or top or left or right side of the screen. To use the button you have to press it, or press a key which written on the button. To select a unit you have to left click on it. To select unit/location for selector button to work simply left click on unit/location.

Each turn you gain Military Points which are used to build buildings and create units. Every unit's move will cost you a certain amount of supply (SU) if your unit will run out of supply it will die.  

In order to resupply units you have to use Supply Trucks and Supply Stations.


SHIFT - Go to your first built base

\ - Chat

CTRL - Make your camera immobile

SPACE - End your turn

Binds can be changed by editing config in grass32 file


Client side config is located in grass32 file.  Server side config is located in folder config (except button_tooltips.yaml and properties.yaml)


Gitlab Repository

GitHub Gitlab Repository Mirror

Stalemate Official Discord Server:


Official multiplayer server:

Official server is hosted in Poland [Central Europe]:

IP: meltdown.dc4.pl


stalemate-v0.4a-win.zip 8.3 MB
stalemate-v0.4a-universal.zip 16 MB

Development log

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